Family Matters Home Care Ltd.
Family Matters, two simple words that hold such true meaning. Emphasis changed in their saying also changes their meaning and the phrase in each context is the foundation of my home care agency.
Family Matters: Our loved ones can mean the world to us, and when we have to reach outside the trusted family circle we hope to find trustworthy individuals who will treat these loved ones with the respect, care, and compassion they deserve. A person must be treated as a whole, not simply as the client receiving the service at hand.
Let’s face it, we all walk different paths and there is no way to know all that an individual is dealing with. We here at Family Matters, with out becoming too intertwined with family dynamics, want to know our clients, see our clients for who they are, understand their needs, hear about their milestones, be responsible for their care and comfort.
The caregivers for Family Matters will do their best to treat the entire client, whether it be in sharing conversation, listening to the things that matter to each individual client, celebrating birthdays, family member accomplishments, taking them to doctors visits, hair appointments, outings to the grocery store or an afternoon stroll through a local park. All this is in addition to any personal care needed by the client and any home making skills that are required. We do it all!
Family Matters: As families with loved ones living longer and having the desire to stay in their homes there is often a struggle to do this safely. Caregivers serving clients for my company will allow this desire to be met with less stress on the ones responsible for making these decisions.
They do not call it the family tree for no reason. The trunk wants for many branches and so it was with the ones who came before us. We branch out and begin lives of our own with homes, spouses, children, jobs, and a hundred different items that scream for our attention. Finding time to spend with family can often be difficult enough, now add to that the responsibility of also caring for these loved ones and the branches are over laden.
In these Family Matters, the caregivers of my agency take care of all the needs of your loved ones, and you simply spend one on one time with them, leaving the rest that you have placed in our hands, up to us.
Each client and situation will be treated as the very unique and precious situation it is. All involved will have input, and share in the planning and needs that will be met when my aides are sent out to spend time with your loved one. Give us a chance to prove to you that we stand behind our name, because here in our agency, Family Matters!!